Sunday, November 16, 2014

Newlywed Weightloss

On June 7, 2014 God answered me as I married the man I prayed for since I was a little girl.  I was happy, there was nothing I would have changed about that day and so many things to be thankful about.  My mother was healthy and happy and vibrant.  My husband and his groomsmen had minimal hangovers, I had women stand next to me that loved me.  My sister was a shining Maid of Honor.

Married life is still wonderful.  I am still happy.  But I have gained weight thanks to easy recipes not always being the healthiest and an amazing honeymoon to Italy.

At my heaviest I was 175 pounds.  At 5'2" this is nowhere near healthy. Crying once a week at my reflection, I decided I needed a change.

5'2", 175 pounds, Italy
I am very good at wearing flattering clothes, and posing in just the right way.  Hands on hips ALWAYS hides a belly and gives you a waist.  But on the right side in the picture, you can see where my fake waste is ruined and where the lovehandles shove their way through anyways.

Hubby says all supportive things, and I truly believe he never saw my weight.  But I did.  And I was done. Over the past month and a half I have worked very  hard at losing weight.  I am still nowhere near my goal, but am almost 20 pounds lighter.

5'2", 157 pounds, Cheyenne, WY, USA
No faking the waist on this one!

The funniest things I've noticed about the weight loss? My wedding ring fits much better, and my arms toned and my collarbone shows again.  Plus, when Chris picks me up it is noticeably easier for him and less embarrassing for me. 

Weight, the number on that scale, should NEVER define who you are nor what you will become.  I am a loving wife, a good house keeper, a fun teacher, and a struggling cook.  None of that is defined by numbers.  You shouldn't be either.  But if weight loss is going to help you gain a more confidant you, go for it.  Be healthy about it, be smart about it.  Have FUN with it. (I still eat Chick-Fil-A, and I still go for that candy now and again.  It won't break you.)

I still have to get to 130 to reach my goal and a "healthy" BMI rating.  It will happen, and it will not end a part of me, because this is a goal, it is not who I am.

Oh, by the way:

Blogs gain traction because they pick a theme.  I won't have a theme.  Sometimes a post will be about a yummy dinner that actually turned out half decently, sometimes a weight update, sometimes just life--Maybe an Italy story post-- but mostly, this is just about our lives, living simply happy, and knowing we are incredibly blessed.