Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve


Holy goodness.  This was a wonderful year!  

In June, I married my best friend.  In August, we traveled to Italy, met locals that were so very kind, and found out we're both not too shabby at a Blackjack table.  

c Andy Barnhart Photography

Star Pride
Our Cabin-- Quarantine was still luxurious. 

St. Mark's, Vince, Italy-- "Sneakiest Picture Taker" goes to the Mister!

Classic.  Arena.

I began my job at a child care center, and found some very good friends through it.  Then I was blessed with the chance to be surrounded by books and still work with people.  Part-time is a much appreciated work schedule so that the Mister and I can actually see each other.

Thanksgiving and Christmas

The Mister and I were lucky enough to spend the weekend before Thanksgiving with his parents and sister and then to have my sister and family with us in our tiny apartment for my very first Thanksgiving dinner--That I didn't destroy!
Present from a student's parents.


Momma M and Krissy

Christmas was only slightly lonely, but we were able to spend our first married Christmas in our well decorated apartment surrounded with thoughts and love from our family.

Weight Loss

I have kept all the weight I lost off through the holidays and I couldn't be prouder.  I've also decided if I never lost another pound, I am pleased with my body.  I weight 152 pounds, wear a Small to Medium shirt, and size 8 pants.  That's a far cry from my 175, X-Large, 13.  Thus, this will not be my New Year's Resolution.



To be kinder. To be gentler. To continue marriage with a loving, joyful heart.  To seek first my God in all things.

Happy New Year from the Partons!

Simply happy, Incredibly Blessed.

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